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Trends in Modern Banking

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Most of the papers presented by authors in “National Conference on contemporary issues on Banking and Finance“ focused on the influence and impact of technology adoption on the delivery of banking and allied financial services. These include – problem & propects of E-banking in India, the crypto graphic Algorithms in the banking industry, problems & prospects of mobile banking in India.
Trends in Modern Banking, 2. Problems and Prospects of E-Banking in India, 3. A Study of Channel Innovations and their Impact in Indian Banking, 4. Competitive Marketing Strategies in MNC Banks – A Study, 5. Emerging Trends in Indian Banking – A Review, 6. Problems and Prospects of Mobile Banking in India, 7. Linkage between ATMs, Credit and Debit Cards and Employee Productivity: A Study on Indian Public Sector Banks, 8. An Analytical Study on Technological Advancements in Banking Sector, 9. E - Banking: A Tool for Technological Development in Modern Era, 10. Privatization of Banking Sectors in India with Special reference to Goa: A Critical Review, 11. Impact of E-Banking on Online Markets, 12. Journey of E-Banking in the Demanding Environment, 13. Trends in Modern Banking, 14. Study on Consumer Satisfaction in Indian Retail Banking, 15. The Role of Social Banking in Economic Progress: Importance and Challenges, 16. Indian Retail Banking Industry its Opportunities and Challenges in Present Scenario, 17. Biometric Innovations in Indian Banking Sector, 18. Mobile Banking – A Study on Growth of Mobile Banking, 19. Electronic Banking in India-Opportunities and Challenges, 20. Role of RRB in Socio Economic Development: A Case Study of Prathama Bank, 21. A Premerger Risk Analysis of Kotak Bank Ltd through Camels: 2011 – 2015, 22. Emerging Trends Reforms and Policies in Banking Industry – A Road Map to Financial Inclusion, 23. Off-Site Monitoring and Surveillance (Osmos) in Banking – A Technological Perspective, 24. Mobile Banking in India: Challenges and Prospects, 25. A Study on Revolution in Indian Banking Industry Transforming Life of Millions, 26. Mobile Banking A Catalyst for Improving Bank Performance, 27. Digital Challenges to Retail Banking, 28. Blockchain and the Future of Banking, 29. Expected Trends in the Indian Banking Sector.

About the Author:
Prof. S. S. Prasada Rao,
Ph.D, Prior to the present position as Founder Dean & Director of Hyderabad Business School (HBS), Prof. Prasad Rao held several administrative portfolios in GITAM University such as Founding Director, Internal Quality Assurance Cell, and Founder Director, GITAM Centre for Distance Learning, among several other positions. He is also currently the Secretary of the Association of Indian Management Schools (AIMS), AP Chapter and is on the Advisory Council of various institutions. He was on the Expert Committee for faculty recruitment at IIM Ranchi, 2014.With a Ph.D. from Berhampur University he has been teaching Post-Graduate and Under-Graduate students. An author of 4 standard textbooks, Prof. Prasada Rao presented several research papers in national and international conferences and published in national and international journals. He is a peer reviewer for Emerald Group Publishing. He is adjudicator of M. Phil and Ph.D theses of various universities in India.Prof. S. S. Prasada Rao has received recognition for his contribution to management studies and education administration. He is a recipient of Mahatma Gandhi Gold Medal Award for Outstanding Individual Achievement in Education & Research by GEPRA, New Delhi, Lifetime Achievement Award for Education Excellence by Association for Economic Growth & Social Development, New Delhi, Shiksha Bharti Puraskar by All India Achievers Foundation, New Delhi, and Innovative Leader in B-Schools for Director by LemonBridge Research and Innovation.
Dr.Raavi Radhika has 24 years of experience in teaching Advanced Management Accounting, Costing Accounting, International Financial Management, Business Law, Strategic Management Accounting, Advanced Corporate Accounting, Financial Services, Income Tax, Wealth Tax, Customs and Excise. She has been awarded Ph.D. from Osmaina University in finance her thesis on “Lending by Co-Operative Banks to Priority Sector in Ranga Reddy Dist”.

Dr. Radhika has published several research papers in national and international publications. She has also presented several papers in National and International Seminars conducted by Premier institutions like IIMs and IITs. She has conducted National level workshops and seminars.

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Publicación digital
dic. 2020

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