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Principles and Practices of Agricultural Disaster Management

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This is a unique book on operational agro meteorology. It has contents that explicitly state that:· 
 Weather is a non-monetary input in all agricultural operations. If weather based farming is done, the cost of cultivation of crops can be reduced at least by 10% and quality of the agricultural produce be improved by 2-3%·
 Past 10 days weather is as important as 10 day forecast of weather, in developing weather based technologies and making farm management decisions ·
  Growing Degree Days are very much useful in predicting pests and helio- thermal units are highly useful in predicting diseases on crops. 
 Reflecting on his teaching experience, research findings and extension activities the author provided a roadmap through this book for not only profitable agriculture in the odd events of weather disasters but also ways that enhance the prestige and dignity of the farmers.
Chapter 1 :
Weather – Agriculture – History, Chapter 2 : Weather Elements – Measurement, Chapter 3 : Weather – Disasters – Management, Chapter 4 : Weather – Erosion – Remote Sensing – Crop Growth Models, Chapter 5: Climate Change – Agriculture, Chapter 6 : Weather Health – Crops – Farmers.
About the Author:
Dr. V. Radha Krishna Murthy
is presently Professor and Head, Department of Agronomy at Agricultural College, Bapatla worked as Professor (Academic) in ANGRAU. He has over 32 years of professional experience in agrometeorological teaching, research and applications. Author of six books, seven chapters in agrometeorology, over 90 publications and over 15 books on agricultural education in curriculum development, delivery and maintenance. Dr. Murthy is associated with many agricultural programmes of World Meteorological Organisation, Geneva, Switzerland as a member/Leader of expert teams of Commission of Agricultural Meteorologg (CAgM) of WMO. Coined athe term “Weather Health” and developed GDD calculator, an operational agrometeorological tool and involved in developing three major concepts/techniques. He travelled overseas on operational agrometeorological services as Expert Team member of CAgM , as World Bank Consultant etc.

Detalles del Libro

Publicación digital
dic. 2020

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