Publicación digital

Advances in Agricultural Extension Towards Changing the Lives and Livelihoods

$102.395 CLP
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The book present unified picture of pragmatic knowledge ontrends in agriculture extension, innovative extension approaches, new methodologies and methods including Information and communication technologies (ICT), extension and focused areas towards changing lives livelihoods of farmers. An attempt has been to comprehend exension practitioner’s experiances who worked in different capacities in the extension systems of the globe and this book provides future direction to the students, scholars, mentors and bureaucrats who serve the farming communities.
Contents:1. Trends in Agricultural Extension, 2. Innovative Extension Approaches, 3. New Extension Methods and Skills, 4. E-Extension – icts & Mass Media, 5. Lives and Livelihoods, 6. Focused Areas in Extension.
About the Author:Prof. Sarvareedy Venku Reddy, Msc. (Ag), Ph.D, Chairman, SVFD and President, PRDIS a professional NGO and is an Agricultural Extension and Rural Development Specialist with five decades of experience in teaching, research, traning and extension work. He worked in several capacities in the APAU and headed EEI, Hyderabad. Advisor and consultant to different National and International Institutions including the world Bank, FAO. He was recipient of many awards including gold medal at Ph.D and recognized by former President (Late) Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam for sustainable agricultural development in chhattisgarh. He visited more than 12 countries as Agricultural Extension Consultant.
Prof. M. Surya Mani, Msc. (Ag), Ph.D, Director, Extension Education Institute (Southern Region), GOI, PJTSAU campus, Hyderabad. She has 28 years experience in teaching, traning, research and extension in ANGR Agricultural University. Served as consultant for International and National projects funded and supported by FAO (EU), IFAD, WHO, UNDP, AP Bio Technology (Netherland), GOI, Govt. of Andhra Pradesh and Telangana. She has number of publications printed in reputed national and International journals and books.

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Publicación digital
dic. 2020

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