
Obesity: The other pandemic of the 21st century

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Obesity is becoming one of the preeminent public health concerns, with prevalence increasing throughout the world.
Covering many aspects of contemporary obesity research, this timely book by some of the leading experts in the field explores issues relating to the biology, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of obesity, including childhood obesity. The work is attuned to the needs of those living with obesity, with a chapter devoted to
the harm caused by weight stigma and false narratives around lifestyle choices.
‘Obesity, the other pandemic of the 21st century’ reviews the available evidence to prove that obesity should be considered not just as a key contributor towards other comorbidities, but as a disease by itself. Importantly, the effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on obesity is addressed, which raised the complexity and severity of the obesity and should be a call to action for the prevention and early treatment of this disease. This book has been developed by World Obesity Federation collaborators, and is aimed at healthcare practitioners, academics, policymakers, students, patients living with obesity and all those impacted by the issue.
The research covered in these pages goes some way towards proving that obesity is quickly becoming ‘the other pandemic’ of the 21st century. Much like any major pandemic, the consequence of inaction is truly alarming.

Detalles del Libro

nov. 2022

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