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Business Mathematics

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This book is specially designed keeping in view the requirements of both the students from mathematical and non–mathematical stream to understand the basic foundational aspects of mathematics and applying the concepts in the field of business and economics. The presentation of all the topics are well covered from basic rudimentary concepts to advance level treatment in lucid and step by step format in order to address the grey areas which in general causes hardship among the student fraternity. This book will serves as an ideal platform for students pursing courses like BBA, BA(Pass/Hons), BCom(Pass/Hons), MA(Eco), MCom, MBA, MCA and other allied courses not only to appreciate the richness of the subject and taking it to even higher levels.
  Each chapter of the book contains historical background, theoretical aspects backed by fully solved illustrations, self practice exercises with hints and appendix covering additional aspects in the same field to build confidence and helps in assessment of his/her progress.
Set Theory, 2. Functions and Its Applications, 3. Limits and Continuity, 4. Derivatives and Its Applications, 5. Maxima and Minima and Its Application, 6. Partial Derivatives and Its Application, 7. Integration and Its Application, 8. Differential Equations and Its Application, 9. Theory of Matrices-I, 10. Determinants of Matrices, 11. Theory of Matrices – II, 12. Input output Analysis, 13. Theory of Equation and Inequation, 14. Progression, 15. Permutation and Combination, 16. Theory of Probability-I, 17. Theory of Probability – II, 18. Linear Programming Formulation and Graphical Method, 19. The Simplex Method and Duality, 20. Decision Theory and Decision Tree, 21. Game Theory, 22. Mathematics of Finance
About the AuthorsProf. Ameet Kumar Banerjee has more than 13 years of corporate and academic experience, having key interest in the field of Quantitative Techniques, Statistics, Operation Research, Finance, Investment and Economics. Currently he is associated with Institute of Development Studies (L.U) and IIPM where he teaches Quantitative Techniques, Financial Management, Investment Management and Economics. His research areas are application of quantitative techniques to measuring stock volatility and pricing asymmetry. He has presented papers in seminars and written articles which are published in leading national journals.

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Publicación digital
dic. 2020

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